Grades K-7

Welcome to Faith Formation!

Grade Level Plans for 2024-2025 Formation Year

Click on links below to access information

If you are registering for the program please click on BOTH the registration packet link and the Registration Form link for documentation

General Information:  Faith Formation Sessions will be run on Wednesday nights from 6:15pm-7:30pm. We will meet in the church and school for sessions.

Class Structure/Schedule:   With the exception of Spring and Christmas Breaks, we will meet approximately three sessions a month. Our sessions will be a blend of age specific, parent/child sessions, and High School partner sessions.  We will also incorporate Holy Days of Obligation and/or Ash Wednesday as a session date so that families can attend Mass together and experience more of our liturgical year.

Our sacrament class is set up a little different in that it is 100%parent/child.  Since parents are the primary educators of their children, it is a wonderful partnership and experience for them to grow together in sacrament.




The Role of Parents

Parents play an integral role in their child's faith journey. Please take some time to view your child(s) lessons and ask them questions.  When you are at home together, this is a great time to share your memories of faith formation and church.  It doesn't take a huge amount of time -- just 15 minutes a day or perhaps it's part of your one hour Mass on Sunday.  Either way, its giving a little bit of God to your family.  Here are some resources to help: 

Creating a Prayer Space in your Home

A nice little video from Joe Paprocki, Loyola Press about how to set up simple prayer space in your home

Reading the Bible as a Family 

Some ways for you to read scripture together as a family

Family, Faith and Fun Activities

Prayer Puzzles: Print off the sheet and then cut apart lines and words.  Who can put it back together the fastest?

 Our Father Lines                                Our Father Words

Basic Catholic Prayers/Beliefs

The Mass

The Beatitudes

Ten Commandments

The Lord's Prayer

The Rosary

An Act of Contrition -- Some examples for you

An Act of Spiritual Communion (for when you can not get to Mass)



First Year

Welcome to Faith Formation!  We are excited that you are beginning your journey with St. Katharine Drexel.  This year, we wll be learning new prayers, doing some fun gospel based activities, and utilizing a new curriculum called Word of Life.  Word of life will teach kids and families how to build a relationship with Jesus.  Here is an overview for Parents:

Sacrament Year

Our Sacramental program is designed as a parent partnership experience.  One parent is expected to attend each session with their child.  In addition to our regular schedule, participants are asked to attend one retreat for Reconciliation and one Retreat for Eucharist.  Parents are also required to attend a meeting on the sacrament of Reconciliation in the Fall and one meeting in January for the sacrament of Eucharist.  

Third Grade- Fifth Grade:

We are so happy that you are continuing your faith joruney after the sacraments!  Our Third-Fifth grade curriculum is from the Word of Life Series from St. Augustine Press.   We will build off of the sacramental curriculum and will continue to streghthen our relationship with Jesus.  Each grade adds a deeper level towards their faith journey and builds off of the previous year.  Our topics rotate yearly around the pillars of Catholicism which are Prayer/Worship, Sacraments, Morality, and Creed (our beliefs)

Middle School (Grades 6-7)

At the middle school level, we have a two year rotation for scriprure.  By the end of their experience,  students will have covered the four major sections of the Old Testament beginning Genesis and teh four major sections of the New Testament beginning with the Gospels.  These are two very important years for formation as it's the only time we extensively cover scripture as a tool for lifelong learning.

If you would like more information, please e-mail your request to: or contact the Office of Evangelization at 920-887-2082, ext. 311