New Parishioner


We welcome you to St. Katharine Drexel Parish and we are delighted to have you join our parish family!  We extend the same tradition of welcoming and bonding to our long-term parishioners as we do to new parishioners and to our visitors.  We invite you to introduce yourself/family before/after Mass to our parish priests and to stop in to our parish center to meet our staff and so we can show you around.  It is our mission to welcome each and every person, member and guest into our parish community and to help them experience the liturgies in which they are valued and enriched in Christ.   

We have many ministries and activities which form an important part of parish life.  They also provide an important means by which we can come to know each other better by working side by side in carrying out the mission of the Church.  God has blessed each one of us with a unique set of gifts.  He simply asks that we use them wisely and share them generously.  What a great privilege it is to do just that!  At St. Katharine Drexel Parish, we know that we are all individual parts of the mystical Body of Christ.  Working together, we find great joy in doing God's work here on earth.  We invite and encouarge you to join us as we pray, work, and play together.  At St. Katharine Drexel Parish, we know that we are all individual parts of the mystical Body of Christ.  Working together, we find great joy in doing God's work here on earth.  We invite and encouarge you to join us as we pray, work, and play together.  

If there is anything we can do to help you in your journey to grow closer to God, please do not hesitate to contact us.  Our parish is proud to offer many opportunities for parishioners to come together in faith.  However, if there is a personal or family need that requires individual attnetion, know that our parish staff and pastoral care group is always here to assist you.  We pray that you find warmth and happiness in our parish and we look forward to getting to know you.  See you at Mass!  

Ready to Join?

We’d love to have you! Please fill out the New Member Registration Form.