“There are different gifts but the same spirit;
there are different ministries but the same Lord;
there are different works but the same God who accomplishes all of them in everyone.
To each person, the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” 1 Corinthians 12:4
The Lord has given us so much and done such great things for us. We are called to respond with joy and to share the gifts of time, talent, and treasure that He has given us.
Time; each and every breath we take, gifted to us by our generous God in a measure known only to him. Through a stewardship renewal of Time, we are given the opportunity and encouragement to slow down; to take time to pray, to read, to think, and to learn about our faith. God is always there, waiting to engage in a living, active relationship with us.
Talent; the special combination of skills, abilities, and aptitudes entrusted to each individual in unique combination, according to God’s plan. Through a stewardship renewal of Talent, we discover all of our special gifts. Some are easily apparent; others lie hidden in our hearts waiting to be discovered. By committing to active participation in ministry and service, we unwrap these gifts to share them fully and freely as God intended, helping our parish community grow into a vibrant stewardship parish.
Treasure; when we look at treasure as a gift of all the things that God has given us, we recognize that what he gives us is not our own, it belongs to God. We share our treasure as we share our time and talent. God does not hold back in His giving, and we must respond in kind, especially in providing financial support to our parish and community.
Prayer; like stewardship of our time, prayer can become a way of life for us if we take the time to nurture our relationship with God, even in small ways. Prayer is about building a relationship with God, and, in turn, with God's people. With personal prayer, spending time alone with God on a regular basis helps us to better understand God's grace working in every moment of our day. When we come together at Mass, we come with all of our joys and tears, our questions and our fears, and lay them all down together in the celebration of the Eucharist. Whether it is in church at Mass, or in the chapel before the Blessed Sacrament, in your car at a red light, or in your bed at night, prayer can take place anywhere, anytime.
As we strive to love one another better, good and faithful stewardship plays a key role. Stewardship isn’t a code word for financial support; rather Stewardship is about doing the work of Christ, engaging our many resources to further the mission and ministry of Our Lord, and remembering that everything we have is a gift from our creator. Here at St. Katharine Drexel Parish, united in God’s love, we are a visible sign of the body of Christ and together we do great things!